Dates and News

Term Dates 2025-26

Here are the term dates for the school year 2025-26


TERM DATES 2025-26


Please note that School finishes at 2.00pm at the end of each term. Half terms end at normal time. Please note the proposed INSET dates.


Autumn Term 2025
Term starts Tuesday 2nd September*

(All non-EYFS Children in school from Wednesday 3rd)

Half term Monday 27th October – Friday 31st October (inclusive)
Term ends Friday 19th December
School closed Staff in-service training:

*Tuesday 2nd September

Friday 3rd October

School closed Monday 1st December


Spring Term 2026
Term starts Monday 5th January
Half term Monday 16th February – Friday 20th February (inclusive)
Term ends Friday 27th March
School closed Staff in-service training:

Friday 13th March


Summer Term 2026
Term starts Monday 13th April
Half term Monday 25th May – Friday 29th May (inclusive)
Term ends Friday 17th July
School closed Bank Holiday

Monday 4th May

Staff in-service training:

Friday 19th June


Please remember that holidays cannot be authorised in term time and the Local Authority may impose fines for unauthorised absences.