Safeguarding Statement
Our School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare and safety of children. Details of our safeguarding policies and much more information about safeguarding at St Thomas’ and about how to help keep your children safe can be found on our safeguarding pages.
Mission Statement
God’s love is at the heart of our Catholic School Community. We show this in our respect, kindness and love for others and by treating other people as we wish to be treated ourselves. We will encourage everyone in our school family to do the best they can.
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Ofsted findings
Fri 22nd Mar
The first inspection of the school by Ofsted since we became part of the Xavier CET took place in early February – just before half term! Ofsted found St Thomas’ to be a “very special” and “wonderfully welcoming and inclusive school”, where S=P+A+C+E is made for Everyone. The process is relatively short (two days) but very rigorous. The report highlights what we do very well but also where we need to improve and we are already on the case!
A huge thank you to all of you who contributed in any way – be it through contributing to the parent survey, sending much appreciated treats for the staff team or just making sure that your children were looking smart and in school on time!
You can read the findings on our Ofsted page.