
Music Matters at St Thomas’

Music is at the heart of our school life.

Singing and music fill our school each and every day. We put a lot of emphasis on performance, building the children’s confidence and enjoyment through music making in class music lessons, singing during the school day in assemblies and in classrooms, or in the wealth of extra-curricular music opportunities on offer in school and outside with other schools. In these many ways we aim to foster strong musical identities in our children that we hope will lay the foundations for a lifelong love of and engagement with music and all the wider benefits that music can bring.

High Expectations and Music for All

In line with the National Curriculum for Music and best practice, our aim is that the children experience a balance of performance, composition and musical appreciation and understanding. We have high expectations and aim to go further than the National Curriculum in the musical learning opportunities we provide for children across the school. Curriculum music lessons focus on developing the musical skills and understanding so that all children are able to sing or play in the different ensembles, productions and concerts that make up the rich musical life of our school. It is our belief that all children are inherently musical. So all musical learning opportunities in school are available to every child through an inclusive and accessible approach in music lessons and school ensembles; for example, tailoring parts so that even a child just starting to learn an instrument can experience the thrill and enjoyment of making music with their friends.

Here are some examples of music making at St Thomas’.

Senior Singing

The Senior Singing Squad singing songs from Perfect Pitch

Junior Singing

Our Junior Singing Squad shine!

Concert Band

A flavour of some of our talented St Thomas Music makers in the Concert Band