This week’s Learning at a glance

This week’s learning in Year 2 at a glance!


Year 2

Learning Link:

London’s Burning

We will be very busy in Year 2 this term!  As part of our topic on the Great Fire of London, children will have lots of opportunities for hands on learning including a London’s Burning workshop and a visit to the capital. We will also learn how London has changed as a result of the fire.  We will study the Plague and make links to the importance of staying safe and healthy in Science. Children will learn important skills of colour mixing when painting their portraits and will have the opportunity to make a London landmark with a moving part.  We will also focus on the uses of IT in the world and use a programme to locate London landmarks.
Mrs Della Maestra:

Mrs Royce:

Mr Jones:

Autumn Curriculum Information Booklet

Year 2 Curriculum Evening Presentation

Year Group reminders

Week Commencing: Monday 7th October

Week B

Weekly reminders:

Monday: PE for 2D. Orange spelling books in school for dictation. Reading record books and Little Wandle books returned today.

Wednesday: PE for both classes.

Friday: Please return Barnaby Bear and the Class Sketchbook today. SPACE for Me linked to our learning. Little Wandle books and library books will come home today.

Please remember to share your child’s Little Wandle reading book and record a comment in their reading record book.  Please return Little Wandle books on Monday 14th October.

Any other reminders:

Saturday 12th October is Groundforce day.  The PTA invite as many people as possible in the afternoon to help make our school grounds as nice as possible.  See newsletter for further details.

Looking further ahead:

Year 2 are off to London on Tuesday 22nd October! We will be leaving school early, at around 8.15am so we ask that children arrive by 8am on this day. More details will follow nearer the time but we wanted to make you aware of the earlier start.

Reading for Pleasure

Book of the Week:

Vlad and the Great Fire of London by Kate and Sam Cunningham.


Covenant and Creation

LC: To reflect on the Genesis story

LC: To understand the meaning behind Baptism



LC: To understand the features of writing a diary entry

We will read some examples of diary entries and unpick the features. The children will write a brief diary entry about a recent day they have had.

LC: To create freeze frame scenes to depict emotions, using a diary entry from 1666

We will read some of Samuel Pepys’ diary entries and then in small groups, the children will act out one of the extracts and create a freeze frame to show the emotions of the different people.

LC: To apply the features of diary writing and imagine being alive in 1666

The children will pretend to be Samuel Pepys or another person alive in 1666 and write a diary entry as if they were there at the time of the Great Fire of London.



This week the children will be focusing on the sounds:

/j/ spelt ‘j’ e.g. jaw, ‘g’ e.g. gem, ‘ge’ e.g. charge, ‘dge’ e.g. badge

/s/ spelt ‘s’ e.g. silly, ‘ss’ e.g. dress, ‘c’ e.g. face, ‘ce’ e.g. since, ‘se’ e.g. horse, ‘st’ e.g. castle, ‘sc’ e.g. scene.  

Alternative spellings for short vowel sounds: /u/ spelt ‘ou’ e.g. young, ‘o’ e.g. mother, ‘o-e’ e.g. above; /e/ spelt ‘ea’ e.g. head; /i/ spelt ‘y’ e.g. gym; /o/ spelt ‘a’ e.g. wasp, /oo/ spelt ‘u’ e.g. awful, ‘oul’ e.g. would.

Schwa at the end of words (unstressed vowel sound): spelt ‘er’ e.g. brother, ‘a’ e.g. comma, ‘or’ e.g. doctor, ‘ar’ e.g. burglar, ‘our’ e.g. colour, ‘re’ e.g. metre.


Please practise the spellings in your child’s orange book using the grid provided. Your child needs to write 3 sentences using these spelling words. Expectations are explained in the front of the orange spelling books. Race ice cell city fancy lace space circle circus rice


Place value

LQ: Can I count in 2s, 5s and 10s?

In this lesson, children will learn to count forwards and backwards in 2s, 5s and 10s.

LQ: Can I count in 3s?

Children will learn to count forwards and backwards in 3s using equipment to help them.

The remaining lessons this week will focus on any misconceptions the children may have regarding place value and consolidate their learning with an end of topic test.


LQ: How can the shape of objects made from some materials be changed?

LC: To make observations to answer a question

We will look at a variety of ways we can change shapes of materials.


LC: To explore the features of Kehinde Wiley’s artwork

We will look at a variety of Wiley’s artwork and discuss the similarities between them. The children will then choose some of their favourite pieces to make notes on.


To explain how information technology helps us

?      I can recognise common types of technology

?      I can demonstrate how IT devices work together

?      I can say why we use IT 


London’s Burning

LC: Can we create a timeline showing the events of the Great Fire of London?

Today the children will recap their prior knowledge and add to it.  We will then order each event from the start to the end.  This will further reinforce their knowledge of the event itself, as well as allowing them to practise the skill of chronology.


To learn the numbers from 0-20.
Listening carefully, speaking clearly, making connections, showing you understand.


Revising the rhythm of ta and tete –  “Rain is Falling Down.”
Recognising Pitch – “Who’s that Tapping”
New Song: Who is the King of the Jungle


To send and recieve a ball using a racket.

Learning for Life

LC: To understand our feelings

We identify a variety of emotions and think of times when we might have felt like that. 


Reading homework: Little Wandle books come home on Friday and must be returned on Monday please. Please record any comments in reading record books followed by the code (RS). Library books can be changed on a Friday.  Please remember to return them the following Friday if your child would like to change it.  Please record any ‘reading for pleasure’ books using the code (RP) in your child’s reading record.

Spellings homework: please practise the spellings at least three times throughout the week and write three sentences using at least one of the spellings in each sentence. Due in on Mondays.

Maths homework:  Set on Google Classroom on Friday 11th October, due in by Friday 18th October.  The password is in your child’s reading record on the ‘passwords’ page.