
In year admissions

In Year Admission  

If you are applying for a place for your child other than at the start of the Reception Year (an in year admission) you should apply direct to the school and also contact Surrey (Apply for an in year school place – Surrey County Council The application to the school should be on the Supplementary Information Form and the Surrey SMA form should be completed and returned via the school. Both forms can be downloaded from this page. 

Where to send the forms

The completed forms should be returned to Mrs Sahar Tahouri, Admissions Officer at the school address or via email to 

Who processes your application?

The governing body is the admissions authority for St Thomas’ and has responsibility for admissions to the school, including setting the priority of admissions when the school is oversubscribed. Mrs Tahouri will contact you to let you know the outcome of your application.

When will parents be notified of the outcome of their application?

Upon receipt of an In Year application, the school will aim to notify parents of the outcome of the application in writing within 10 school days. However, it might take up to 15 school days. You must respond to any offer of a place within two weeks.

If there is a vacancy in the relevant year group and no other family has applied for it, the school will allocate the place to you. Once the place is offered, together we will agree on a start date, which has to be within 4 school weeks of the offer.

If there is no vacancy, or if the number of applications is greater than the number of vacancies, the governors will at once establish a waiting list for the relevant Year Group, or add your child’s name to an already established waiting list. Places will then be offered to applicants whose names appear on the waiting list strictly on the basis of the oversubscription criteria, as outlined in our admissions policy (available to download from this page). Your child’s position on a waiting list may go down as well as up, for example, if other children with greater priority according to the school’s admission criteria are added to the list.

You will also be informed of your right of appeal.

The right to appeal

If you are refused a place at the school, you have the right to make an appeal to an independent appeal panel. Where an application is refused, we will set out the reason for refusal.

For applications for In Year Admissions, appeals must be heard within 30 school days of the appeal being lodged. If parents wish to appeal, they must set out the grounds for appeal in writing.

Other Information

If you have any questions or what to come in and see the school then please contact our Admissions Officer, Mrs Tahouri via email at or by phone on 01483 888388, we look forward to meeting you!