
The School Day

The school office is open from 8.30am until 4.00pm.
Outside of these hours please leave a message on the answer phone or email  info@st-thomas.surrey.sch.uk

Breakfast Club can be accessed from 7.30am and the After School Club runs through to 5.30pm Monday to Friday.

Our daily routines for 2024-25:


Commence 8.30 am  straight into classrooms with registration at 8.50am
Playtime 10.25am – 10.40am (Years 1)

10.30am – 10.45am (Years 3 and 4)

10.40am – 10.55 (Year 2)

10.45 – 11.00 (years 5 and 6)

Lunchtime 11.40am – 12.40pm  (EYFS and Year 1)

12.00pm – 1.00pm (Years 2, 3 and 4)

12.20pm – 1.20pm (Years 5 and 6)


Ends 3.10 pm (EYFS)

3.20pm (Years 1 – 6)

This equates to a 32.5 hour school week for all children in Years 1 to 6.


Weekly Worship times:

Monday: “Monday Matters”

  • Catholic Social Teaching (CST) strand of the week
  • Praise Worship
Tuesday: Class based, Child led Worships
Wednesday: Whole School Gospel Worship
Thursday: Phase Worships
Friday: Celebration Worship

Class / Year Group led Worships

In addition, all year groups enjoy a Praise worship time each week and the children in Early Years have daily acts of class worship until they join in with the rest of the school’s worships later in the year.


PE Days (children come to school in PE Kit)

EYFS St Salvatore Every Monday and Wednesday
St Henry Every Monday and Wednesday
Year 1 St David Every Wednesday and alternate Mondays (Week A)
St Theodore Every Wednesday and alternate Mondays (Week B)
Year 2 St Dorothy Every Wednesday and alternate Mondays (Week B)
St Rose Every Wednesday and alternate Mondays (Week A)
Year 3 St Bernadette Every Wednesday and alternate Thursdays (Week B)
St Dominic Every Wednesday and alternate Thursdays (Week A)
Year 4 St Gemma Every Tuesday and alternate Mondays (Week A)
St Wilfred Every Tuesday and alternate Mondays (Week B)
Year 5 St Kea Every Tuesday and alternate Mondays (Week B)
St Philippa Every Tuesday and alternate Mondays (Week A)
Year 6 St Louise Every Thursday and alternate Mondays (Week A)
St Mary Every Thursday and alternate Mondays (Week B)