This week’s Learning at a glance

This week’s learning in Year 3 at a glance!


Year 3

Learning Link:

Once Upon a Tomb

As your children enter the Spring term, they will step back in time as we delve into the fascinating world of the Ancient Egyptians. The children will have a wonderful opportunity to become fully immersed in our topic this term.
The children will be finding out about daily life in Ancient Egypt, mummification; tombs and so much more!
St Dominic – Miss Duncan:

St Bernadette – Mrs Bond (Mon-Weds):

Miss Petley (Thurs-Fri):

Spring Curriculum Information Booklet

Year 3 Curriculum Evening Presentation

Year Group reminders

Week Commencing: 10th February 2025

Week B

Monday: SPACE day. Please come wearing your Ancient Egyptian inspired costumes!

Tuesday: Old spellings tested. New spellings given out. Maths and English homework handed out.

Wednesday: Children to bring in their home readers to be signed. PE for both classes.

Thursday: PE for 3B – please come in PE kit.

Friday: Celebration Worship. Library books to be returned and new ones taken out. 3B Forest school.

Please can your child bring in a named pritt stick to add to their new pencil cases at school – it will really help them to be ready for each lesson.

Please encourage your children to practise their times table on times table rockstars. There is a new battle this week!

Reading for Pleasure

 Meet the Ancient Egyptians by James Davies



LC: To retell the story of the Annunciation and understand its importance in Catholic life.

Children will explore the events which occurred during the Annunciation and its importance to our Catholic life.


Writing linked to I was there Tutankhamun’s tomb by Sue Reid

LC: To invent my own newspaper report.

The children will be creating their own newspaper report about the discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb.

LC: To compose my own advert.

Following on from their newspaper report the children will compose their own advert to encourage people to come and visit Tutankhamun’s tomb.

Master Readers:  I was there Tutankhamun’s tomb by Sue Reid

Monday:  Whole class reading of text

Tuesday: Book Club

Wednesday: Modelled comprehension

Thursday: Independent comprehension and review

Friday:  Edit and review

Focus vocabulary this week:

shamefully, concocted, devoted, plundered



Miss Duncan and Mrs Castelino: To spell words ending in ‘le’.

Mrs Farage: To spell words where ‘-ing’ is added to single syllable words


Focus on how to effectively use formal language.



LQ: How do you calculate perimeter in situations where side lengths are given but they cannot be measured?

The children will be looking at what perimeter is and how to calculate it with given lengths.

LQ: How do you solve one-step problems involving length?

Children will be exploring how to apply their knowledge of length to word problems and develop their use of mathematical language to explain their reasoning.

LC: To review my learning from our measurement unit

The children will be looking at all their learning from the past unit and assessing how confident they feel within this topic.



LC: To observe the results of our investigation and write a conclusion explaining the results.

Children will be exploring the impact a range of drinks have on our teeth and observing what the egg shells look like now after sitting in the drinks!


Ancient Egyptian Art

LC: To create clay models.

During SPACE day the children will be applying their learning around Ancient gods and goddess to create canopic jars.


Desktop publishing

LC: To explore what scams are and how to project themselves from them

During internet safety week the children will be exploring what a scam means, learn what to look out for and how to protect themselves from this happening.


Ancient Egypt

Our SPACE Day!


LC: To say and understand the numbers 11-20


Learning about musical instruments in Ancient Egypt. Singing songs on the subject of Ancient Egypt – Tutankhamun and The Pyramids.



Explore making their body tense, relaxed, stretched and curled.

Can they explore different ways of stretching, balancing, rolling, and travelling.

Remember, repeat and link combinations of gymnastic actions, body shapes and balances with control and precisions.

Create a sequence with a partner.


Develop racket control and use of forehand play. Use Forehand to control the ball and take part in a rally. Discover basic rules and scoring. Work with others to self-manage a game.

Learning for Life

L.Q. – What is the difference between danger and risk?

In this lesson, the children will learn how they should weigh up the risk of certain actions to avoid a situation becoming a danger. They will produce a poster suggesting steps to take when they are weighing up a risky situation.


Spellings set on Tuesday 11th February and due on the following Monday 24th February.

Maths and English CGP books: Spring Term Workout 7 . Due on 25th February.

TTRockstars: Let’s battle it out Year 3!