This week’s Learning at a glance

This week’s learning in Year 3 at a glance!


Year 3

Learning Link:

Rock Across the Ages

As your children enter Key Stage 2, we step right back in time to the Stone Age.  In English, work will start in September with our text ‘Life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age.’  We will make links in computing, art and design that will really bring this topic to life.  It will culminate in a celebration of our work. We will continue to develop our skills in computing and create simple algorithms and in Science we peer into the topic of light.

In RE, our rich curriculum allows us to explore the topics of ‘home’, ‘promises’ and visitors as we approach the joy of Christmas.

St Dominic – Miss Duncan:

St Bernadette – Mrs Bond:

Mrs Grove:

Autumn Curriculum Information Booklet

Year 3 Curriculum Evening Presentation

Year Group reminders

Week Commencing: 7th October 2024

Week B

Monday: Yellow Spelling Homework book in school, test on old spellings, new words given out. New library books if your child would like to change theirs.

Tuesday: Old homework due in. New Maths and English homework handed out.

Wednesday: Year 3 PE – please come in PE kit. All children to bring in completed home readers for the class teacher to check.

Thursday: PE for 3B  – please come in PE kit

Shoe box appeal:

This year The School Council have decided to take part in the Link to Hope Shoebox appeal 2024. The shoeboxes are filled by schools and organisations in the UK and then delivered by the Link to Hope charity to families and elderly people in war-torn and poverty-stricken countries. This year, they will deliver boxes to Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria and Romania. Collection in class will last till the 18th October.

3B: Hairbrush/Hair comb and accessories

3D: Colouring pads or notebooks (A5)


Further ahead:

Year 3 Forest School  – Friday 18th October

Parent Consultation Evenings – we look forward to sharing your child’s progress and start to year 3 with you. Please do book an appointment to see us

Wednesday 16th October (face to face)

Monday 21st October (remote)

Please can your child bring in a named pritt stick to add to their new pencil cases at school – it will really help them to be ready for each lesson.

Reading for Pleasure




LQ: Why do we make promises?

Thinking about promises we make at home, school and any clubs we go to. We will be discussing what a promise is and their importance.

LC: To recognise the symbols and promises used in Baptism

Looking at the Sacrament of Baptism, we will by focusing on the symbols and promises shared and thinking about their significance.


Writing linked to The Stolen Spear

LC: To appraise and improve a piece of writing.

The children will be working with their learning partner to examine three pieces of writing to appraise and improve the work.

LC: To appraise and improve our own writing.

The children will be applying their skills from yesterday’s work to their own work. They will be highlighting elements of their work that needed to be improved and re-writing the sentence to make it correct.

LC: To recognise apostrophes for possession.

This lesson will have a focus on apostrophes for possession, for both singular and plural nouns.

LC: To interpret our text and apply knowledge to comprehension questions.

The children will be utilising their knowledge of our text and applying to comprehension questions.

Master Readers: The Stolen Spear by Saviour Pirotta

Monday:  Whole class reading of text

Tuesday: Book Club

Wednesday: Modelled comprehension

Thursday: Independent comprehension and review

Friday:  Edit and review

Focus vocabulary this week:

raid, treacherous, milling,  oath



Miss Duncan and Mrs Bond:  To spell words with the /ch/ sound ending ‘-ture’

Mrs Castelino and Mrs Farage:  To spell words where ‘kn’ and ‘gn’ make a /n/ sound at the beginning of words.


Focus on apostrophes for possession.


Addition and subtraction

LQ: Can you add a multiple of 100 to a 3-digit number by using their knowledge of number bonds to add the 100s digits?

The children will be exploring how to add multiples of 100 to 3 digit numbers and explore how this affects the value of each column.

LQ: What happens to numbers when you add and subtract 1, 10 and 100?

The children will be exploring how the value of numbers change when you add 1, 10 or 100 and apply this to a range of problems.

LQ: How do you add across 10 and exchange 10 ones for one 10?

The children will be learning how to exchange 10 for 10 one’s when you are adding access 10.

LQ: How do you add 10 across 100?

The children will be learning how to add 10 across 100 and how to record this accurately.


Light and Shadows

LQ: How and why is the sun dangerous?

The children will be learning about the sun and the benefits and dangers of sun rays. They will be learning about ways in which they can protect themselves from the sun.


Stone Age Fabric

LC:To create cave art on paper.

The children will be using a range of materials to create their own cave painting depicting common images from the Stone Age.


Computer Networks and Systems

LC: To explain how a computer network can be used to share information.

Recognising how computers can send messages within a network via a switch. The children will act as computers and the switch to see how this works.


LC: To understand how Bronze Age people built their homes and lived in communities.

The children will be learning about Skara Brae and developing their understanding of the transition from a nomadic life to settlements.


LC: To join in with a French song. Bonjour comment ca va?
Listening carefully, speaking clearly, making connections, showing you understand.


Sing Hello at 3 pitches – which pitch am I singing – children have eyes closed and show pitch with their hands. Tap rhythm of See Saw over 8 heartbeats – what word goes in the fourth beat and then 3rd beat etc? Recognise Listen Listen from hummed tune. One group tap pulse, other group the rhythm while singing, then just tapping. Recognise Sally goes round the sun from a tapped rhythm. Play associated singing game.


To apply fundamental skills to a variety of games.

Learning for Life

LC: To understand how friends are special.

Thinking about the positive attributes that make a good friend and discussing different friendship scenarios.


Maths and English homework will be set on a Tuesday and due on the following Tuesday. Please can children complete Autumn Term Workout 5 in their CGP Maths and English books – due on Tuesday 15th October. Please do not let your children rush ahead to different Workouts than the ones given for the week.

Spellings set on a Monday 7th October and due on the following Monday 14th October.

We ask that children practise the words at home at least 3 times during the week (in this book) and then write at least 5 sentences using the spellings. Each sentence should contain at least one of the spelling words.