
Our Catholic life

God’s love is at the heart of our Catholic School family. we show this in our respect, kindness and love for others and by treating other people as we wish to be treated ourselves. we will encourage everyone to be the best that we can be.

In following our Mission Statement we focus on our Golden Rule – to treat each other as we would like to be treated and we look to make S=P+A+C+E for our learning and our living by trying to use the Golden Threads that bind us together and help us to be the best that we can be:

  • Love
  • Forgiveness
  • Honesty
  • Thankfulness
  • Wonder
  • Kindness
  • Friendship
  • Hope
  • Respect
  • Tolerance

As a Catholic school, we aim to give all our children an experience of a caring Christian community that will influence and shape their future lives. It is often commented that the school has a family atmosphere. This is, we are sure, a result of the love, respect and care which Staff and pupils show for one another as they try to follow the Teachings of Jesus.

Each Class joins together in prayer throughout the school day and this is an important demonstration to all that the Christian faith is at the centre of our school community. See the ‘Prayer’ downloads for some of the prayers used.

Every day we share a collective act of worship which unites our school. Individual and group achievements are celebrated, news from other parts of the school is shared, current issues are discussed and the need for positive qualities, such as kindness and honesty, are stressed.

The Church’s Liturgical Year is reflected in our Worship. Particular emphasis is placed on the celebration of Advent, Lent and Easter. Children have the opportunity to join the Parish Church for Mass. During Lent, the children enthusiastically organise and take part in fund-raising activities within the school. Year 5 perform a moving Passion Play for the rest of the school.

Parents of children in Year 3 should approach their local Parish Priest for details of the Sacramental preparation programme. As a school, we liaise with the Churches to ensure the children are fully prepared to receive the Sacraments. A special Mass is celebrated by the whole school community shortly after the children have taken their First Communion in the Parishes.

A group of parents meet regularly in the school to pray for the community and requests for prayers can be left in a special box in the Main Entrance Hall, or children can put them in the prayer boxes in their classrooms.

Our school Chaplain is one of our Parish priests and celebrates school Masses and the Sacrament of Reconciliation at special times. Monsignor Tony is one of our school governors.

In November 2018 the school was inspected by the Diocese and judged to be an outstanding Catholic School. You can read the Report here.

You can find out more about our RE curriculum here