Groundforce Days… making a difference


Twice a year the PTA organises Groundforce Day: parents from St Thomas come together on a Saturday to help clean up the school grounds. It’s a great outdoor program and an opportunity to meet other parents and children from school, strengthening our community. You can come and join at any time, for however long you can, to tidy up the grounds. Jobs usually include pruning the bushes, weeding, collecting leaves and painting fences.

The more parents and kids we have joining, the bigger the difference we can make – so please join us at the next Groundforce Day and make sure to bring gardening equipment (gloves, buckets, rakes, wheelbarrow etc.).

The next Groundforce Day is Saturday 27th April from 1 until 4.

Games for kids available on the MUGA. Tea and cake for all.

Do come for however long you feel able to. We look forward to seeing you there!