Quality First Learning
God’s love is at the heart of our Catholic School family. We show this in our respect, kindness and love for others and by treating other people as we wish to be treated ourselves. We will encourage everyone to be the best that we can be.
Quality First Teaching and Learning forms the wave 1 level of intervention here at St Thomas of Canterbury. It is embedded within our school Mission Statement and Aims. More information is on our Inclusion page. We are a totally inclusive school.
We encourage all our children to make S=P+A+C+E for their learning where:
S = Success, which comes to us all when we show…
P = Perseverance in all our learning opportunities even when we find things hard and challenging;
A = a positive can do Attitude towards ourselves and our learning – a true Growth Mindset;
C = Confidence, which comes when we feel good about ourselves and see success in our learning, when we know we can do it and we know we will be helped and supported and encouraged when we need it; and
E = Effort which we know we have to make to be successful in anything we do…
When we apply our S=P+A+C+E habits of mind we know we can be successful in anything we do. As a school we have identified ways in which this applies every day in our aspirations to be Confident and successful learners, Responsible Role Models, people who make a positive contribution to whatever they are doing and whoever they are doing it with and who know how to stay safe and healthy. This is what we celebrate in each other.
Be confident and Successful Learners
- Teachers will be well prepared to enable learners to access the learning. At times this may mean personalising learning through strategies such as task boards, scaffolding, writing frames, adult support and practical resources for example
- Learners are given regular opportunities to reflect and evaluation on their learning objectives and personal targets. This could be regularly throughout the day, at the end of the day for example
- Teachers will use positive comments, praise and encouragement and be very explicit about what they are praising
- Learners will be given opportunities to celebrate success in a way that is meaningful to them
- Teachers will provide a safe environment where children feel able to take risks and have a go within a suitable context for them
- Teachers will model skills and children will have opportunities to practise those skills explicitly
- Teachers will provide and learners will participate in activities that promote their self-esteem and emotional well-being
- Children will be involved in identifying their steps to successful outcomes and for some children success criteria by process will be provided for them
- All tasks will be differentiated and could be personalised further to ensure every learner can access them
- Learning will be well structured and routines established. The children will be supported through the use of visual timetables and warnings of change
- Teachers will provide a variety of resources within the classroom to meet the needs of all learners within the class
- Skills taught within discreet sessions will be developed and supported within the classroom
Be Responsible Role Models
- Teachers will show empathy for learners who are finding their learning challenging by acknowledging what the learner is feeling
- Teachers will model how they manage when they make a mistake
- Teachers will show unconditional love
- Teachers will listen to both verbal and non-verbal communication and support learners in communicating in a way that is manageable for them
- Learners will be provided with opportunities to have responsibilities and these may be tailored to individual needs
- Teachers will model positive learning and social behaviours both in the classroom and the playground, facilitating peer to peer and peer to adult interaction
- Teachers will provide clear rules and boundaries which may also be presented visually and at times be tailored to meet individual needs
- Teachers will be welcoming and friendly and have an awareness of individual needs
- Learners will be encouraged to embrace our golden rules and be actively supported in working towards them
- Teachers will model good use of language and encourage learners to do the same
- Teachers will be reliable and trustworthy, taking care to build positive relationships based on mutual respect with all learners
Make a Positive Contribution
- Learners will be encouraged to identify what they have done well and look for ways that they can do even better
- Teachers will be open to trying different ideas when supporting children
- Learners will have opportunities to have fun and enriching experiences
- Teachers will provide opportunities for class and individual rewards
- Teachers will provide support that enables learners to feel motivated to attempt and complete their tasks
- Learners will be encouraged to work together with their peers and teachers
- Learners will have opportunities to share and celebrate their strengths
- Teachers will provide opportunities for learners to acknowledge their feelings and support them in expressing their emotions appropriately
Be Safe and Healthy
- Teachers will provide a safe learning environment with personalised provision where appropriate
- Learners will develop a feeling of security within their classroom and wider school environment through positive relationships with adults, clear routines, expectations and boundaries
- Teachers will mediate between learners, helping them develop key social skills
- The curriculum will be appropriate and adapted to meet individual needs
- Learners will have access to a supportive environment where resources are accessible to them
- Learners will be encouraged to bring in safe and healthy snacks
- Teachers will share information regarding vulnerable children such as allergies and special educational needs for example
- Teachers and learners will be familiar with e-safety procedures and practice
- Teachers will follow appropriate safety procedures and risk assessments
- Teachers will wear ID badges and be familiar with the child protection and safeguarding policies and procedures
- Learners will know who they can go to if they need help