

As part of the Xavier Catholic Education Trust the governors who form our Local Governing Committee act as our Admissions Authority as well as bearing all the responsibilities of governance of other maintained schools. They scrutinise the School’s performance and provide a constant challenge to the Headteacher and leadership team to ensure that the School is the best that it can be for each and every child that walks through our door.

The Governors believe it is important that boards reflect the diversity of the school communities they serve. Diverse boards promote inclusive school environments and provide diverse role models for staff and young people.

The governors are currently collecting data on the diversity of the board, including data on age, gender and ethnicity. They will use that data to inform their recruitment and training needs and ensure there is always a diverse range of perspectives around the table to support robust decision making.

Due to our relatively small governing body we do not publish this diversity data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal data.

Chair & Foundation Governor                                   

  • Mrs Nicola Powell

Vice-Chair & Foundation Governor                          

Foundation Governors                                                 

  • Monsignor Tony Barry
  • Mr Darren Della Maestra
  • Mr Andy Gray

Headteacher / Governor                                             

  • Mrs Kate Carter

Staff Governor  

  • Currently vacant, awaiting election                                              

Co-opted Governors

  • Mr Robert Charlwood

Parent Governors                                                         

  • Mr Richard Holmwood
  • Mr David Noyce

Clerk to the Governors                                               

  • Mrs Nicola Nash

To contact the Chair of Governors, Nicola Powell, please email the school office at info@st-thomas.surrey.sch.uk marking your email for Mrs Powell’s attention.

Xavier CET

Follow this link for details related to the trustees and members of the Xavier CET and the relationships between the Trust and our school Local Governing Committee