Year 3
A warm welcome to Year 3, the classes are St. Dominic (Miss Duncan) and St Bernadette (Mrs Bond and Miss Petley). The year group team is completed by Mrs Castelino and Ms Farage.
Year 3 is full of fun and learning!
Come and join us as we step back in time to the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age and uncover the lives of prehistoric humans. Later on, we discover the highest peaks around the world in our Mountains’ topic.
Then, in Spring we cruise down the River Nile as we immerse ourselves in the lives of the Ancient Egyptians and learn all about our local area.
Finally, we take a tour along the rivers of the world before stepping back in time and place into Ancient Greece.
Our termly Curriculum Information Booklets can be accessed from this page with information about our learning this term along with the presentation from our September Curriculum Evening. Please see the links at the top of the page
You can see what we are learning each week on the Learning at a glance page