The School Council

St Thomas’ Eco-warriors

Our eco-warriors come from every class in the school and they keep us on our toes!

We are proud of our Silver Eco-School status but we are working hard to get to Green Flag status.

This is the eco-code that we have written for our school and we expect everyone to follow it – including the teachers and parents!

Our Eco-Warrior Code

Keep our playground green –

  • Pick up our litter. The bin is the best place for it!
  • Use the correct bin!

Save energy and water –

  • Turn off taps and lights. This helps to save money.
  • Keep windows closed when heating is on.
  • Turn off the screens.

Reuse the rubbish –

  • Food goes in our mouths or the waste bin.
  • Reuse plastic bags.
  • If you don’t want your clothes, someone else will!

Come to school in a green way –

  • Try walking, skating, cycling or scooting instead of driving.


You can find out more about our eco-code by watching the film we made putting it into action… Mr Jones, we hope you have learnt your lesson!


Another eco-warrior blockbuster!