This week’s Learning at a glance

This week’s learning in Year 4 at a glance!


Year 4

Learning Link: 

Awesome Anglo-Saxons

We will be learning what happened after the Roman left Britain, how first the Anglo Saxons and then the Vikings came and settled in Britain. This will include some local History as Guildford was an Anglo Saxon settlement.
In Art, we studying The Scream by Edvard Munch and how the used colour and shape to show emotions.
St Gemma: Mrs Grove:

Mrs Nardini (Tues):

St Wilfred: Mrs Williams:

Mrs Clarke (Fri):

Spring Curriculum Information Booklet

Curriculum Evening Presentation


Year Group reminders

Week Commencing: 10th February 2025

Week B

Monday: 4W PE.

Tuesday: PE both classes.

Friday: Spelling Test

Reading for Pleasure

How many mice make an elephant?


Giving and Receiving

LC: To reflect on the meaning of the Penitential Rite.

Making links to our Golden Thread of forgiveness and recognising the importance of saying sorry. to others and to God.

LQ: Why is the Communion Rite so important?

Making links to scripture and the Catholic Social Teaching Strand of Promoting Peace.


Writing based on The Firework Maker’s Daughter

LC: To apply my knowledge of the text

Using our understanding and reading of the text to write a new blurb for the book

LC: To reflect on a story

Writing a book review, reflecting on the plot, characters and their recommendations for others

Master Readers

Text: The Firework Maker’s Daughter

Monday:  Whole class reading of text

Tuesday: Book Club

Wednesday: Modelled comprehension

Thursday: Independent comprehension and review

Friday:  Edit and review

Focus vocabulary this week:

sonorous, ghastly, incandescent, indescribable, chieftain, sequence



Blue Group: To spell words ending in ‘ious’ and ‘eous’

Green Group: To spell words where the ‘ch’ digraph makes a ‘k’ sound

Orange Group: To spell words containing ‘ai’ and ‘aigh’


Expanded noun phrases

Fronted adverbials

Conjunctions – coordinating and subordinating


Multiplication and Division

LQ: What is a remainder?

In this lesson, children will recap the concept of remainders in division and be able to solve division problems that leave a remainder.

LQ: Which methods can we use to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers?

In this lesson, children will divide a 2-digit number by a 1-digit number using flexible partitioning and by focusing on mental methods.

LQ: How can partitioning be used to divide 3-digit numbers?

In this lesson, children will use partitioning to divide a 3-digit number by a 1-digit number.

LQ: What strategies can we use to solve correspondence problems?

In this lesson, children will solve more complex correspondence problems, working out how n objects relate to m objects, finding all solutions and noticing how to use multiplication to solve these problems.



LQ: How can components change a circuit?

Exploring how different electrical components can change a circuit.


Emotion Based Art

LC: To create a piece of art inspired by Edvard Munch.

Taking inspiration from this well-known artist to create our own artwork.


Safer Internet Day

‘Too good to be true?

Reflecting on what a scam is and thinking how we can protect ourselves online.


None this week due to different activities


LC: To know the names of some countries where French is spoken in both English and French.


Composing our own words to The Sound of Music “My Favourite Things’. Revising playing Hot Cross Buns



Safely perform balances individually and with a partner.  Plan and perform sequences with a partner that include a change of level and shape. Understand how body tension can improve the control and quality of their movements. Watch, describe and suggest possible improvements to a performance.


Develop speed, strength, stamina, co-ordination through dedicated exercises and personal challenges. Record results and consider exercises to improve results. Consider how exercise affects health and wellbeing.


Develop the use of backhand and consider when to use it. Demonstrate increased technique with a continuous rally. Apply rules to the game and self-manage. Introduce the use of basic tactics to gain an advantage.

Learning for Life

Learning for Life

Following on from our visit from the Life Space on Wednesday, we will be reflecting on the lesson learnt.


Maths and SPaG: Spring WO 6 and 7 only. Due Monday 24th February (after half term).  

Spellings: These will be set on Friday 14th February and due in on Friday 28th February.