Home learning with Google Classroom
Google Classroom
We use Google Classroom to help deliver our curriculum. This is a great resource for all of the children to access both in school and at home.
Your child has received their username and password to access Google Classroom and this should be on a label stuck securely in their homework diary or reading record.
Please note that email and additional G suite for Education services are not accessible for the children with their login details. This should only be used solely for Google Classroom and the children have restricted access.
From this page you can access a guide on how to access Google Classroom at home; it is important to note that for your child to access their Google Classroom you will need to be signed out of your own Google account.
Your child will be able to use Google Classroom for their learning with some homework set using the different tools available. Children may be asked to complete a quiz, answer a question, access some material online or even complete a task using Google Docs. Instructions will always be attached and the teachers may use some of these within Computing lessons so the children become more familiar with this online tool. In school, the children may log on to their Google Classroom account to quickly access resources in lessons, using technology throughout the curriculum.
In the event that a year group had to be self-isolating due to COVID or some other reason, we would once again be using Google Classroom for the delivery of lessons and maintaining class contact.
G Suite for Education is a service provided by Google. It is not part of Google’s main environment and follows strict legislation with regard to children using their services. Under the associated privacy policy no data or information is shared outside the school’s domain. Further information can be found at: https://edu.google.com/intl/en_uk/trust/
This is an exciting tool for the children to use but online Safety is paramount and our own Digital leaders have discussed and produced their own Acceptable Use Agreement for all children to follow, please read on. Please be aware that the class teachers and Mr Lewin see all comments and messages posted by the children(!).
If you have any questions about Google Classroom please email mrsgrove@St-thomas.surrey.sch.uk . If you have a specific question about your child’s learning or homework on Google Classroom please email your child’s class teacher directly.
Amy Grove
Curriculum and Online Safety Lead
Google Classroom Acceptable Use Agreement
Written by the Digital Leaders of St. Thomas of Canterbury School
- Always apply our Golden Rule, treat others as you would like to be treated and think about our Golden Threads
- Keep your login details safe and secure
- Google Classroom is for our learning; it is not a chat facility
- Our teachers will tell us when we need to use it for homework
- We should only respond to a question or a homework task once
- We should not use this email address for anything other than logging in to Google Classroom
- We should use kind words and there should be no inappropriate language used
- Only our teachers will set up Google Meet, if we have a live lesson we should think about what we are wearing and where we are sitting
- Remember to stay safe online!