This week’s Learning at a glance
This week’s learning in Early Years at a glance!
Learning Link: All Creatures Great and SmallWe will start the term by exploring our RE topic ‘Galilee to Jerusalem’. We will begin by finding out about camels and as our learning is child-led, we look |
Mrs Sumsion –
Mrs Hills- Mrs Wichmann – |
Latest Curriculum Information Booklet
Curriculum Evening Presentation Early Literacy Evening Presentation |
Year Group Reminders |
Week Commencing – Monday 10th February
Spare uniform Please could you return any spare clothes your child may have borrowed from school as we are now really short, in particular of jogging bottoms. Thank you. Parents evening We look forward to seeing those parents who have booked their on-line parent consultation slots for Monday the 10th of February. Phonics This week will be assessing the children on their phonic and fluency knowledge. |
Reading for Pleasure |
Maddi’s Fridge by Lois Brandt |
RE |
Galilee to Jerusalem – Challenge 6 – Jesus teaches us that we should share what we have with others.
We will be thinking about how Jesus cares about whether we have enough to eat and that He wants us to help when others don’t have enough. |
Personal, social, emotional development |
We will be having a visit from Geraldine the Giraffe who will be talking to us about what our body needs to stay healthy, including exercise, rest and healthy food. |
Literacy and Phonics |
Phase 3
We will be continuing to learn how to read longer words by ‘chunking’ them into syllables to make them easier to decode and blend, e.g. c-ar/p-ar-k (carpark) and b-e-d/r-oo-m (bedroom). |
Communication and language |
We will be talking about special places where those who have not enough food to eat can go to get a hot meal. |
Mathematics |
We will be consolidating our learning this term and talking about our next target in number. |
Understanding the World |
We will be taking part in Safer Internet Day and talking about how it is important that we know how to use technology in a safe way. |
Expressive arts and design |
We will be decorating glass jars. |
Music |
Feeling the beat in our feet
Practise new songs (Listen Listen and Sally go round the sun) and rhyme (1234) and play associated games focusing on walking in time with the beat. Rediscover Sleep baby sleep and Walk and Stop. Learn new actions for Oliver Twist. Revise different voices and difference between a song and a rhyme. Learn Jelly on a Plate (mixed rhyme and song). Revise Slowly, slowly song and rhyme. Learn Snail song. Focus on thinking how we feel when we make music together. |
Physical Development (in PE) |
Move confidently and safely in space using under, round, over equipment and Obstacles. Move and stop, recognising both commands. Show contrast with their bodies including tall/short, wide/thin, straight/curved). Make shapes with their bodies. Jump off an object and land appropriately. Fundamentals unit 1 & 2 Topic of ‘all about me’. Fundamental skills and gross motor skills will include balancing, running, changing direction, jumping, hopping and travelling. They will learn how to stay safe using space, follow rules and instructions and work independently and with a partner. |
Home learning |
We will not be learning any new Tricky Words this week, but it would be helpful for you to recap the recently learnt ones (was, you, they, me, by, all, sure and pure) with your child to ensure that they are confident in reading them. Collins eBooks These are updated each week for you to access each at home. Story Sacks Please continue to enjoy these wonderful literacy resource. The sacks will come home on a Monday and will need to be returned on the Friday of that week. It is really important that they are returned on time so that there are enough sacks to send out again to each child on the following Monday. These sacks have taken a huge amount of time and care to put together, and we are so grateful to all the families and staff members who have helped to make this project possible. Please, please can we ask that you take care of these story sacks, so that they can be enjoyed for many years to come! A photograph is included inside each bag; please use this to ensure that all of the contents are back in the bag before returning it to school. Any lost or damaged contents will need to be replaced or paid for. School Jam – Mathematics Please continue to access the School Jam program which has digital activities you can use to support your child to develop their maths skills. Letter Formation Sheet The handwriting sheet coming home this week is for the grapheme y. Your child will need to follow the grey shape of the letter with their finger and then, using a sharp pencil, trace the letters below. Your child will then need to write independently the letter on the next two lines, starting on the dot each time. Please supervise your child as they complete this sheet. Please ensure your child writes their own name on the back of the sheet please. Please return this sheet on Monday in their large plastic wallet. It is important that your child hold’s their sharp writing pencil correctly and are sitting comfortably at a table. Please see tips and advice below. As presentation is a key focus at St Thomas of Canterbury, we would appreciate your support in ensuring that your child understands how to value this learning sheet. Please refer to our Presentation Promise below.
Prayer and Liturgy Bag When it is your turn for you and your family to use the class prayer and liturgy bag. We invite you to write a prayer, reflection, drawing or a photo to show how you, as a family, have used the prayer resources tonight. We conduct liturgy in school using the four-part structure of: Gather, Listen, Respond and Go Forth. In the information guide you will find some ideas of how you could use the prayer and liturgy bag at home but these are only suggestions and can be used how you wish. If you received this on a Monday, please return it on Thursday. If you received it on Thursday then please return it on Monday. |
Vocabulary |
The week just gone |