
PSHE (Personal Social Health Education)

We are consulting with parents over our updated Xavier Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Policy. This policy can be downloaded by clicking the link under file downloads.  Our RSE curriculum is delivered through the Diocesan approved programme called Ten:Ten.  Parents are able to view the content of the programme via the Ten:Ten parent portal. All the details are below.


Username: st-thomas-canterbury

Password: blue-cross

If you have any feedback or questions relating to the policy or the curriculum, please email Mrs Carter: mrscarter@st-thomas.surrey.sch.uk

This consultation period lasts two weeks and closes on Thursday 5th December 2024.

(In addition, we always contact parents of children in upper KS2 in advance of the delivery of any of the more sensitive topics in RSE so you are aware of the timing and content being delivered.)


PSHE (Personal Social Health Education) is at the heart of everything we do at St Thomas’. From assemblies, displays, extra-curricular activities and class work, we are always encouraging and promoting the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are the foundation of children’s learning and follow the traditions of the Catholic Church. The children have come up with their own name for these lessons, which is ‘Learning for Life’.

PSHE is often taught through other subjects, primarily in R.E lessons, but specific lessons are also taught to learn about important and sometimes sensitive issues. Topics covered relate to keeping safe, healthy living, sex and relationships education, emotional well-being and financial capability.

KS1 had a ‘Keeping Safe Week’ where children learnt about many different issues including fire safety, road safety, water safety and bullying.

Reception child: “It’s important so people can’t steal you or squish you on the road.”

Year 2 child: “We learn a lot to help us when we’re older.”

Read much more on our Curriculum pages