Year 5
A warm welcome to Year 5 – St Kea (Mr Kitcatt) and St Philippa (Miss Pedlingham).
Our staff team is completed by Mrs English.
We start off by finding out about “The Terrific Tudors” and how they impacted both our country and our local area. This includes an exciting trip to the Tudor wing of the Royal Grammar School and later in the term we are visited by Chertsey Museum for a hands-on workshop using Tudor artefacts. To complement our history topic we learn about William Shakespeare’s plays and look in depth at Macbeth, which will include a drama workshop led by the Young Shakespeare Company. The whole term’s work is celebrated in style with a Tudor S=P+A+C+E Day.
In the Spring Term, we will be donning our space-suits as we explore “The Final Frontier” which focuses mainly on the Science topic of “Earth and Space”. This includes an exciting trip to the Winchester Science Museum and an evening of star-gazing after school. At the end of the term, Year 5 lead the school in their Easter reflections by performing the Passion Play, a real moving highlight of the year!
We will enjoy a summer term residential trip which will be linked to our topic of Coasts, more information will follow shortly – you can see the fun we had last year by following the link to the Sayers Croft trip.
We finish our year with an exotic twist, as we delve into the world of “Arabian Nights”. We will be looking at how the Ancient Islamic Civilization has impacted our country, as well as exploring its cuisine and literature.
We hope you are as excited as we are about the year ahead!
Our termly Curriculum Information Booklets can be accessed from this page with information about our learning this term along with the presentation from our September Curriculum Evening. Please see the links at the top of the page
For up to the minute information on what we are learning each week follow this link to our Learning at a glance page!