
EYFS – Reception

A warm welcome to our EYFS Reception Classes!

We have two classes, St Salvatore  and St Henry.

Our EYFS class teachers are Mrs Sam Sumsion, Mrs Erica Hills, Mrs Lucy Morgan (on maternity leave) and Mrs Sally Wichmann. Supporting them in the classroom are Mrs Halina Kamzol, Mrs Maria Hernandez, Miss Cherry Cooper and Mrs Homa Moosapour.

Our caring and supportive environment enables the children to blossom as they learn to be the best that they can be.

We value the importance of child-led learning. Our children learn through their play, supported in our rich environment, as well as adult led opportunities, as a class on the carpet, and in small groups in the classroom and outdoor learning environment.

We ensure our children feel happy and safe as they progress towards the Early Learning Goals.

Please do read our current Curriculum newsletter  and also our presentation from the Curriculum evening available by clicking on the links.

You can follow our weekly learning by looking at our Learning at a Glance page.

For information about admissions please follow this link or contact our Admissions Officer, Mrs Sahar Tahouri through the School office or at admissions@st-thomas.surrey.sch.uk