
Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 and our new classes: St Louise class with Mrs Lewis and St Mary’s class with Mrs Grove and Mrs Sharpe. This year the team includes Mrs Castelino, Mrs Eckhardt, Mrs Marshall, Mrs Williams and Mrs Middleton.

Year 6: the final year in the primary school! We endeavour to prepare the children for a smooth transition to their secondary schools. As ever, the children are encouraged to be the best they can be, take risks in their learning and grow to become more independent. The children take on leadership roles in our School Council and support other year groups as role models.  They are encouraged to rise to the challenge of becoming responsible citizens.

During the course of the year there are visits from museums, workshops and activities planned connected to our topics. The children are inspired by their visit from the Spike in the Autumn term and lead the school throughout the year. Finally, during the summer term the children have all the excitement of running the entrepreneurial Business Bonanza, the end of year musical production and our Leavers’ Mass.

Our termly Curriculum Information Booklets can be accessed from this page with information about our learning this term along with the presentation from our September Curriculum Evening. Please see the links at the top of the page.

The Year 6 residential will take place at The Westbrook Centre on the Isle of Wight.  We are really excited to be running this trip in September as it will provide an opportunity for the children to get to know their new classmates and enjoy the beautiful surroundings and outdoor pursuits that The Westbrooke Centre provides.

You can find out what we are learning in class this week by following this link to our Learning at a glance page!

At the end of this year the children will be sitting the nationals standard assessment tests (the SATs). If you have any questions or concerns around the SATs please do contact your child’s class teacher and please do not worry!

Towards the end of Year 6, a lot of work is put in place to ensure a positive and successful transition for all the children to secondary school. All the children follow the Smart Moves programme with additional support for those feeling less confident and further support is available from the following websites:






Please do speak with your child’s class teacher if you have any questions, worries or concerns over the SATs or anything else!