School Uniform
Not everyone likes a uniform but we have a uniform because it does exactly what it says on the tin, it enables a true equality – a uniformity. No one has more and no one has less. It allows a focus on the person rather than the clothes they wear.
Following discussions with the children, parents and staff we have strived to make our uniform as affordable as possible by reducing the School badged uniform items as much as possible. We also run a very well stocked second hand uniform shed where all uniform items can be acquired at exceptionally low prices – please check the school calendar and the Weekly News for opening. We do also use our Hardship fund to help families for whom the cost of uniform is prohibitive. These requests are dealt with by our Home School link worker and in confidence.
Currently the only badged items that we do require as part of the uniform (the sweatshirts and cardigan) can only be purchased through Magnum Enterprises www.magnumenterprises.co.uk Any queries, please contact Magnum Enterprises directly by phone on 01483 200777 or by email at sales@magnumenterprises
All other items of uniform can be purchased at most High Street stores.
Please, please, please ensure that all items of uniform and equipment are clearly named! “Left” uniform can be claimed from the school office!
School Uniform and Equipment Policy from September 2023As determined by the School’s Local Governing Committee |
We take great pride in our uniform and in our appearance – it says a lot about our attitude to learning and to school life – look smart, feel smart
We do expect ALL children to keep to our uniform policy. |
EYFS uniform |
Navy School badged V-neck sweatshirt or Navy School badged cardigan (to be bought from Magnum Enterprises) | |
Pale blue short sleeved polo shirt* | |
Plain school navy tracksuit bottoms* | |
Navy shorts* (if weather is too hot for tracksuit – please no cycling shorts) | |
Grey school socks or grey/navy tights (not trainer socks) | |
Black Trainers (with Velcro fastenings please!) | |
Wellies | |
Outdoor waterproof coat (preferably plain navy or black please) | |
School infant sized Backpack (to be bought from Magnum Enterprises please) | |
Small water bottle that would fit in the side pocket of the Backpack | |
Glue stick | |
* These items are available with the school badge if you would like them from Magnum Enterprises, otherwise plain, non-badged versions can be bought from anywhere.
Years 1 – 6 uniform |
WINTER UNIFORM – This must be worn in the second half of the Autumn Term and throughout the Spring Term – no variations will be permitted. | |
Pale blue short sleeved school shirt (not polo shirt) | |
St Thomas of Canterbury School tie | |
Navy School badged V-neck sweatshirt or Navy School badged cardigan
(this is the only item that we ask is definitely badged and currently only available to buy through Magnum Enterprises) |
Black school shoes (no high heels, pumps or trainers) | |
Outdoor waterproof coat (preferably a plain colour please) | |
Girls | Boys |
Grey knee length school skirt/pinafore or grey school trousers/shorts | Grey school trousers or grey school shorts |
Knee length white socks or grey / navy tights | Grey knee length socks |
SUMMER UNIFORM – This may only be worn in the Summer Term and the first half of the Autumn Term or you may continue to wear the winter uniform – no variations will be permitted. | |
Pale blue short sleeved school shirt (not polo shirt) | |
St Thomas of Canterbury School tie | |
Navy School badged V-neck sweatshirt or Navy School badged cardigan
(this is the only item that we ask is definitely badged and currently only available to buy through Magnum Enterprises) |
Black school shoes (no high heels, pumps or trainers) | |
Lightweight waterproof coat (preferably a plain colour please) | |
Girls | Boys |
Grey knee length school skirt/pinafore or grey school trousers/shorts or Navy blue gingham check dress | Grey school trousers or grey school shorts |
White ankle socks (no trainer socks) | Grey ankle socks (no trainer socks) |
PE KIT | |
Navy shorts* | |
Pale blue polo shirt* | |
Plain school navy tracksuit bottoms*/plain navy leggings and sweatshirt * | |
PE bag* | |
Trainers (preferably black) (All children must wear trainers for PE (no plimsolls or school shoes)) | |
Backpack* | |
Small water bottle that would fit in the side pocket of the Backpack | |
Glue stick and other stationery as advised by year groups | |
* These items can be purchased as school badged items if you wish through Magnum Enterprises www.magnumenterprises.co.uk / sales@magnumenterprises. Otherwise, they can be bought from most supermarkets and other suppliers. The only requirement we make is that they are all the correct colour and, if not badged, that they are completely plain. Thank you. | |
PLEASE NOTE If children’s hair (boys or girls) is long enough to be tied back, it MUST be tied back. using sensible plain hair accessories in navy blue or white – NO decorative clips or hairbands please. |
PLEASE… remember to name all items of uniform and other clothing to ensure they can be returned when left behind! |
- Any ‘holiday’ hair, i.e., braids, or henna tattoos should be removed for the start of the new term
- No nail varnish
- No jewellery, with the exception of small ear studs, sensible watch and a crucifix worn inside shirt. Items all worn at owner’s responsibility and must be removed for PE/Swimming lessons.
- If a child has their ears pierced, this should be done at the beginning of the Summer Holidays, to allow time to heal and for the child to have the confidence to remove their ear studs when necessary
Thank you
Mrs Carter