This week’s Learning at a glance

This week’s Learning in Year 6 at a glance !


Year 6

Learning Link: 

Great Expectations

We have great expectations of the children this term; they will have many opportunities to be excellent role models in school beginning with applying for roles on the School Council.


This term our learning centres around The Victorians with a particular focus on crime and punishment in this era. Using the book ‘Street Child’ by Berlie Doherty, we will investigate Victorian life for the poor and delve into the depths of Victorian London before investigating a Victorian Christmas. Artwork inspired by William Morris will fill our walls and there will be an extra special Christmas decoration lighting up your home this year.

Mrs Sharpe –

Mrs Grove – 

Mrs Lewis –

Autumn Curriculum Information Booklet

Curriculum Evening Presentation

Year Group Reminders

Week Commencing: Monday 7th October 2024

Week B

Monday – 6M PE

Thursday – 6L and 6M PE.

You will need:

• A named water bottle, fruit or vegetable snack

• A coat (every day – we will go outside whatever the weather!)

• A sweatshirt even on warm days as the doors and windows to classes will be kept open

• A confident and positive attitude shining through a huge smile!

Reading for Pleasure

A poet for everyday of the year


Creation and Covenant

LC: What is Laudato Si? What does it mean to be stewards and what happens when we get this wrong?

Explore and experience different ways that Catholics respond in praise to God for the gift of the Earth. The term ‘Laudato Si comes from the prayer of St Francis of Assisi in praise of the gift of the Earth ‘The Canticle of the Creatures’. This is a prayer that is still said by Catholics all over the world to praise God for creation.

You may wish to watch this video to prepare for the learning this week:



Using subordinating conjunctions in varied positions

Writing to inform – mission log

Master Readers

This half term we will be reading Stormbreaker by Anthony Horwitz

Master Readers chapters 10-11

Text:  Stormbreaker:  Anthony Horowitz

Monday:  Whole class reading of text

Tuesday:  Book club:  Predict what what will happen

Question to improve understanding

Explain meaning of the words in context

Summarise main ideas

Wednesday:  Modelled comprehension

Thursday:  Assessed comprehension

Friday:  Review, respond and chapter reading.

 SPAG Effective use of subordinating conjunctions in their written work.

Mrs Eckhardt and Mrs Lewis: To spell words with irregular patterns.

Mrs Grove: To spell words with the prefix ‘sub’

Mrs Williams: To spell words with the ‘zh’ sound ending ‘sure’


Four operations

LC: Common factors

Identifying and applying common factor knowledge

LC: Mental arithmetic -practising mental maths strategies and applying knowledge.

LC: Common multiples

Rediscovering common multiples and applying this knowledge to problems.

LC: Rules of divisibility

Children learn to recognise the properties of numbers that can be used to deduce their divisibility by 2, 3, 5 and other factors

LC: Identifying prime numbers to 100

Children will rediscover what a prime number is and how they are different from other numbers.


LC: To create a working circuit with multiple components

Children will create and problem solve to ensure that they have a working circuit. Children will draw the circuit accurately.


William Morris

LC: To take inspiration from the work of William Morris to design and paint a tile in his style.


Digital Literacy

LC: To select appropriate fonts and images for a specific purpose.

Linked to RE, children will create their guide to Baptism for parents using their knowledge. They will apply their skills to PowerPoint thinking carefully about their visuals.


Crime and policing in the Victorian Era

LQ: What are the differences between Victorian and modern policing?

Children will learn about the differences in equipment, communication and routines of Victorian police and modern police officers.


LC: To describe nouns using colour and adjectival agreement


Violin lessons – Surrey Arts



To apply principles, rules and tactics to a tournament.

Learning for Life

LC: Learning how to be assertive in appropriate situations


We ask that the children continue to read every day, recording their reading in their homework diaries. We will be sending home book band books over the next few weeks but any reading done at home can be recorded.

Spelling tests will take place every Monday and then new spellings will be set for the following week. We complete spelling activities in school, sometimes these are sent home to be finished.

Please complete Autumn work out 5 in the CGP books. These were sent home on Friday 4th October and will be due in to mark on Friday 11th October.