Dates and News

Contacting the School

The school office is open from 8.30am until 4.00pm.
Outside of these hours please leave a message on the answer phone or email

Safeguarding and Child Protection concerns – please contact our Designated Safeguarding Lead Mrs Sharpe or our Assistant Designated Safeguarding Leads, Mrs Carter, Mr Jones or Mrs Scott:,,

Absences – please call the office number BEFORE 9.00am 01483 888388

For general enquiries, medical issues
Please contact Mrs Simpson, Mrs Read or Miss Farage on 01483 888388 or by email:

For Admission enquiries and to arrange school tours
Please contact Mrs Tahouri our Admissions Officer on 01483 888388 or by email:

To change meal requests and for school meal payments
Please contact Mrs Simpson on 01483 888388 or by email:

For After school clubs and ScoPay enquiries
Please contact Mrs Foster on 01483 888388 or by email:

For information about Breakfast and After School clubs
Please contact Mrs Foster on 01483 888388 or by email:

To contact the Breakfast or After School Club in an emergency please use Tel. 07541 438356

For our Home school link workerJo Scott
Please email: or phone on 01483 888388

For SEN information or advice
Please email our SENCo, Mrs McNiff

For Mrs Carter
Please ring the Office on 01483 888388 or email:

School website:
Parish website: