School year 2021-22
Hurrah! The new school year 2021-22 has started and, hopefully, we can look forward to an uninterrupted year of fun and learning in school!
Happy New Year to you all as we start the Spring term 2022… As we come back together please, please, please remain vigilant and careful, COVID has not gone away. We will continue to do everything we can to minimise the risks in school and ask for your help and support in and around the school and away from it in keeping the risks as low as possible for our school community and beyond. Thank you. We continue to follow and apply all the relevant Government guidance and keep our practices and procedures under constant review. In the event that there is a positive case within the school or if individuals are needing to self-isolate our home learning provision will come into play – a continuation of Google Classrooms. You can read our contingency plan for remote learning here. All the relevant guidance and planning for the return is accessible from this page but if you have any questions or concerns please do contact me! With my love and prayers Neil Lewin Headteacher mrlewin@st-thomas.surrey.sch.uk September 2021 January 2022