Our Catholic life

Lent 2019

Shine our Light

At our Ash Wednesday service in school the children  reflected upon our theme this Lent of how we can “Shine our Light”.  We are encouraging one another to share our talents for the good of others – this includes reflecting upon how we can really live out and put into action our Golden Threads.

The four themes of our Lenten focus this year are:

  • Action
  • Almsgiving
  • Prayer
  • Reconciliation


We are all reflecting on who we are and what we do – how we strive to be the best that we can be and follow our Golden Rule as directed by Christ: to treat others as we would like to be treated ourselves. This encompasses all of our Golden Threads. At the end of each day we are reflecting on how we have shone our light… we are looking at our talents and how we can use them to their best advantage to help others in some way. Each class will have a display to celebrate our talents.


We are called to be generous and share our gifts with all. To this end through Lent we are supporting the work of the Catholic Children’s Society (CCS). Every child has a collecting box and leaflet explaining the work of the CCS.  The children are being encouraged to collect money for this charity which works to provide mental heath services, family support and emergency grants to local vulnerable children and families when they need it most.

On Friday 29th March we will be participating in the CCS Day:  this will be a non-school uniform day and the day the children return their collection boxes.  So on Friday 29th March your child can come into school wearing Mufti and bring in their (full!) collecting box and give it to their class teacher. 

For more details about the work of the Catholic Children’s Society please follow this link

On Friday 15th March we are holding our Shine the Light production where children from across KS2 will present their talents to the school. (KS1 classes will have done this in their year groups). This day is also Comic Relief day and children may wear their red noses if they wish. The children are asked to bring a donation if they wish on the day for Comic Relief – this is purely a personal decision.

As a school we are using our Daily Lenten Reflections 2019 every day in class. You can share these at home too.
This prayer is one we have said in our Ash Wednesday Service and you might like to use it as a family over Lent.

Dear Lord,

Let us shine our light for you this Lent.

We all have special talents which you have given to us.

Guide us as we follow your teachings and use our talents to help others.

Let us shine our light for you this Lent.



One of our Golden Threads in Lent is Forgiveness. It is vital that we understand that God forgives us and that we can forgive each other and be forgiven and what an affirmation that can be. We will be reflecting on this theme throughout Lent and there will be a Reconciliation service in school and the opportunity to take part in the Sacrament of Reconciliation for those children who have celebrated their First Holy Communion.